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KUNGFU Co., Ltd.


KUNGFU SCISSORS, was founded in Osaka, Japan, as early as in the Edo age of 17th century( founded in 1819). In the early days, it was famous for casting knife blades of warriors. Entering the Meiji era, it was requisitioned for malitary factories, mainly producing military knives and weapons. It had more than 100 years of steel making and knife making history. After Japan’s defeat in the second world war, KUNGFU Kabuskiki Kaisha transformed from malitary industry to civil knife blade and scissors production in 1964. With its sharp and durable knife blade, it quickly dominated the Japanese market, and then expoted to developed coutries such as Europe and the United States.


After years of research and development, KUNGFU Kabuskiki Kaisha took the lead in incorporating ergonomics into the field of hairdressing scissors, adhering to the design and foundry concept of “ KUNGFU SCISSORS equal to healthy hairdressing scissors”, taking the users’ health as the most important point of product design, minimizing the hairdressers’ occupational injury, and being awarded as“ Best Hairdressing Scissors” by Japan Hairdresser Association.


KUNGFU SCISSORS is not only famous in Japan, but also in North America, Europe, Australia, China, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong. They are the first choice of high-end salon hairdressers in these area. 


Address:Fengrun Commercial Plaza 318 Jinzhongheng Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province

电话:020-3616 3133(大中华区总代)

Telephone:020-3616 3133

传真:020-3616 3133

Fax:020-3616 3133




Official website:http://www.kungfuscissors.com/jp.asp