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青岛西维亚工艺品有限公司,专业生产化纤前蕾丝假发的工厂,产品主要销往欧美。 梦幻般的 hair closet——西维亚,让您换发型如换装般乐趣无穷。

我们相信,每个人都应该拥有一顶独特的假发来展现自身的魅力,所以,我们built了这个hair closet。这里有性感的Blonde(金黄色)、神秘的Lavender(淡紫色)、叛逆的Purple(紫色)、摇滚范儿的Pink(粉红色)、个性的Silver(银色)、绚丽的Ombre(条纹)……应有尽有。除了丰富的色彩,还有充足的造型空间,用饱满的发量、丰富的款式来满足您日常佩戴及搭配着装的各种需求。我们选用的是耐热材料和手工钩织前盖结构,可以让卷发器在假发上发挥出超乎想象的效果。我们充分调动了时尚美学理念,将其融入假发制作工艺中,让每一缕头发的层次感、曲度、色彩都闪耀着高贵迷人的气质。




The design philosophy of Sylvia Trendy products is that we believe every girl deserves to own a unique wig to show her charm. You can find out your Dreamy Trendy Wigs here, whether it is Ombre, Blonde, Lavender, Purple, Pink or Silver Hair Shades. Every wig from Sylvia Trendy is made of heat resistant synthetic hair with a lace front cap construction, which means you can use a curling iron to create your own hairstyle. In addition, you can enjoy the wonderful experience that the different colors and styles of the wigs bring to you.

We have settled in the fashionable chemical fiber industry for nearly 10 years Before Sylvia. We supply both lace front wigs and full lace wigs for the countries with high fashion sensitivity, such as the United States,France,United Kingdom, ,Australia, Germany, Brazil, Thailand,etc as Letian hair products factory in Jiaozhou.

It makes us so familiar with the chemical effects between hair and temperament for several years' accumulation and experience,which let us be very sensitive to the most fashionable trends.

We will apply this accumulated strength to the brand development process of Sylvia to create a dreamy hairstyle experience for you.
